A long talk with a good friend yesterday made me realise that I haven't really found the time to update my London blog. This update is important because I'm not in London anymore, and my year there has been over for a few days. In between catching up with all things Malta, starting work again and basically just getting by I haven't had the time to really appreciate this sudden detachment from the city I've lived in and loved for a year.
Call it whatever you want. Dirty, ridiculously expensive, overcrowded, dangerous. Yes, it wasn't the cleanest of places, the expenses were ridiculous, the people jostle and push and are generally rude and sometimes I didn't feel safe walking around at night. Whatever the case was, my year in London was the best year of my life. I've met so many people - people I love, people I don't really like and people who have disappeared. I've done so much and I've learnt so much - not just as far as my degree goes but just about living, about life. I know the Underground like the back of my hand, I have been ridiculously drunk in Trafalgar Square and attempted to climb one of the lions, I've been evicted (it sounds a lot more dramatic than it actually was) and I've learnt what it's like to live alone in a broom cupboard of a flat and I've loved it all. Moneywise London has been somewhat of a gold-digger in that it's sucked me completely dry but it doesn't even matter anymore because it was all worth it.
It's amazing how attached you can get to a place. Knowing I'm not going back there for the next couple of months still leaves my mouth dry. As cliched as this sounds, the city has truly changed me. I've matured and grown (unfortunately in a physical sense too, damn Fosters!) and my outlook on life has changed for the better. I'll never forget just how much London did for me.
And so, to end this post in a cliched way, here's a quote from Samuel Johnson that truly sums up my year:
By seeing London, I have seen as much of life as the world can show.
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