"I'm currently reading for my Masters in International history, leaning towards Soviet history with direct focus on the Stalinist period from a Trotskyist point of view."
OK, the last part was only recently added. Anyway, these are the responses I usually get to that.
(I couldn't find a 'YOU BE CRAZY' face better than that one)
To be honest the reactions used to annoy me once but now they make me giggle. I have gotten so used to being asked what the fuck I'm going to do with my life that it has become that funny. I mean, it's a wee bit worrying that I'm not sure yet but, to those who piss me off, I usually tell them I aspire to be the leader of a Stalinist political party. That's one of the reasons why I inherited my beloved petname, the Shaved Communist, thanks to one of my lovely former classmates who muttered it 'under her breath' when I walked into class with a new hairdo and wearing my favourite t-shirt:
I also have this one which has earned quite a few glares:
It's enough to make my mother have a Mediterranean mourner-type fit and wonder where the hell she sprung me from! I almost got shot when I tried to wear the first t-shirt to Christmas lunch with the extended family. Quite a funny occasion, that.
Anyway, my point. I may have a (there's no other way to put it) completely useless degree, one that may eventually get me into trouble with the former USSR - "I was only trying to research, Mr Putin!" - but I can't say I don't love it. I complain about all the assignments and all the reading and mock Trotsky for whining as much as he does - but who doesn't grumble about all this stuff? Apart from Trotsky, I mean. I have a feeling no one else would willingly choose to read The Revolution Betrayed unless they had a death wish.
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